The truth behind any weight loss programme is, the calories that go in have to be burned. So you can neither leave, nor change, your diet plan post weight-loss. Instead, adopt it as a healthy way of life. After some time you will realise that being fit makes you feel so good and confident that you would not like to go back to your unhealthy diet. Given below are some diet tips.
- Include all food groups in your diet to lose weight safely and effectively.
- Cut down the intake of junk food like ice creams, potato chips and cakes. Substitute these with healthy, low calorie food. It takes 20 days only for you to stop craving for high-fat, high sugar foods.
- Taking 4-6 meals a day at regular intervals will keep you constantly nourished and will increase your metabolism.
- Drink minimum 12-15 glasses of water daily. It cleanse your system. Water fills with the vital fluids you lose during exercise and also prevents dehydration.
- Choose 5-6 servings of green vegetables and grains products, especially whole grains in your food. Eat variety of fruits.
- Add whole lot of salads, sprouts and pulses to your diet.
- Choose chicken and fish in your non-vegetarian diet and have non-vegetarian 2-3 times in a week.
- Salt must be limited to less than tea spoon per day.
- Exercise regularly and get enough physical activity duirng and after the weight loss programme.
Remember, diet does not mean curbing your desires or stop eating. Instead, indulge yourself by choosing right diet and thinking smart. Enjoy your food at the same time learn to burn out the excess calories that you accumulate.