Turmeirc is a spice widely used in Indian cuisine. It has been used by traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda and Unani for healing and also for cosmetic preparations. Some of the ailments that can be cured/controlled by Turmeric are given below.
Blood purifier and antiseptic: Turmeric is loaded with antioxidants and its regular intake strengthens the immune system and prevents jaundice, cancers, tumors, Alzheimer's disease etc. The juice of the raw root or the powder of the dried root mixed and taken with milk or water is very effective in curing intestinal problems.
Anemia: Have a teaspoon of raw turmeric juice rich in iron with a bit of honey to cure anemia.
Asthma: A teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of warm milk helps in fighting bronchial asthma and cough.
Sprains and Wounds: Apply a medicinal paste of turmeric (turmeric powder mixed with sweet lime juice and salt) on sprain swellings. Turmeric powder should be sprinkled on wounds or ulcers for speedy healing.
Cuts and Burns: Turmeric can be immediately applied on cuts, bleeding or burns. It is an antiseptic and stops the bleeding immediately and heals the cut or burn.
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