Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Being focused and Diet care after weight loss

Your Joy will have no bounds if you have lost 10 kilos by working out hard and following a strict diet, but getting back to normal diet by hogging on goodies to celebrate the new slimmer look would be self-defeating.If you want to retain this slim look and be fit for rest of the life, you have to remain focussed, consistent on your diet and exercise regularly. A good diet and exercise are compulsory for fitness and for having a shapely body or toned muscles.

The truth behind any weight loss programme is, the calories that go in have to be burned. So you can neither leave, nor change, your diet plan post weight-loss. Instead, adopt it as a healthy way of life. After some time you will realise that being fit makes you feel so good and confident that you would not like to go back to your unhealthy diet. Given below are some diet tips.

  • Include all food groups in your diet to lose weight safely and effectively.

  • Cut down the intake of junk food like ice creams, potato chips and cakes. Substitute these with healthy, low calorie food. It takes 20 days only for you to stop craving for high-fat, high sugar foods.

  • Taking 4-6 meals a day at regular intervals will keep you constantly nourished and will increase your metabolism.

  • Drink minimum 12-15 glasses of water daily. It cleanse your system. Water fills with the vital fluids you lose during exercise and also prevents dehydration.

  • Choose 5-6 servings of green vegetables and grains products, especially whole grains in your food. Eat variety of fruits.

  • Add whole lot of salads, sprouts and pulses to your diet.

  • Choose chicken and fish in your non-vegetarian diet and have non-vegetarian 2-3 times in a week.

  • Salt must be limited to less than tea spoon per day.

  • Exercise regularly and get enough physical activity duirng and after the weight loss programme.

Remember, diet does not mean curbing your desires or stop eating. Instead, indulge yourself by choosing right diet and thinking smart. Enjoy your food at the same time learn to burn out the excess calories that you accumulate.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Utrasana - makes your spine more flexible

Keep the knees shoulder-width apart and the big toes about eight inches as you kneel. Only the knees and toes should touch the floor. Grasp the heels with hands and press them with your palms. Inhale and exhale a few times.Inhaling, raise your posterior off your heels and come up on your knees and toes. Pulling the shoulders back, push the hips forward. Exhaling, raise the chest and bend the trunk and head far back, curving the spine backwards. Keep the arms straight. Turn face towards the sky.

Complete the exhalation and take a few deep breaths. Invert the feet and place the toes and the upper part of the feet flat on the floor. Slide your hands down and grasp each ankle with the corresponding hand. Bend backwards further on the arms and make a curvature of the body by arching the spine and neck. Maintain this posture, breathing deeply and rhythmically, until a strain is felt. Inhaling, release the hands and return slowly to the upright kneeling position. Slowly, return to the sitting position between the heels.

The alternate flexion and extension of the spine in this asana makes it more flexible. It tones the muscles and nerves attached to the spine besides the muscles and nerves attached to the spine besides the muscles of the thighs, neck and face. It expands the lungs to their maximum capacity.

Turmeric - Cures Ailments

Turmeirc is a spice widely used in Indian cuisine. It has been used by traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda and Unani for healing and also for cosmetic preparations. Some of the ailments that can be cured/controlled by Turmeric are given below.

Blood purifier and antiseptic: Turmeric is loaded with antioxidants and its regular intake strengthens the immune system and prevents jaundice, cancers, tumors, Alzheimer's disease etc. The juice of the raw root or the powder of the dried root mixed and taken with milk or water is very effective in curing intestinal problems.

Anemia: Have a teaspoon of raw turmeric juice rich in iron with a bit of honey to cure anemia.

Asthma: A teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of warm milk helps in fighting bronchial asthma and cough.

Sprains and Wounds: Apply a medicinal paste of turmeric (turmeric powder mixed with sweet lime juice and salt) on sprain swellings. Turmeric powder should be sprinkled on wounds or ulcers for speedy healing.

Cuts and Burns: Turmeric can be immediately applied on cuts, bleeding or burns. It is an antiseptic and stops the bleeding immediately and heals the cut or burn.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Brinjal - Nutritious Diet

Brinjal, the glossy purple vegatable that is native of India is loved by mnay and at the same time hated by some. It has been around since 60 BC and is also called egg-plant and aubergine. Brinjal is fairly good source of potassium, iron, certain proteins, and vitamins like B6, C and niacin. One of the main benfits of brinjal is its high -fibre content. Low in calories and fat, it contains only 24 kcal and 5.7 gm of carbohydrate per 100 gm. But brinjal is good as long as it is not fried.

The purple pigment of this vegetable also contains anti-oxidants which are the natural immunity boosters of our body and help fighting diseases and age. Brinjal also protects arteries from chronic damage. along with ginger and garlic, it helps in relieving flatulance. A high moisture content in this vegetable helps people weight-loss diet. With minimal oil, it is low cal, low fat and nutritious, useful for diabetic, obese and heart patients.

So all those people who want loose weight or control their weight must include brinjal in their diet from now. Dieting is all about taking quality food rather not eating any food at all for controlling the weight.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Protein intake for Veggies

It's known that the chief source of protein lies in the non-vegetarian items like meat, fish and eggs. But abstain even from egg, garlic and onion? How should they ensure that there'sno protein deficiency and that they are eating a balanced diet.

It is intelligent consumption of beneficial food rather than simply avoiding harmful food or go on dieting to ensure good health. So vegetarians should be encouraged to eat dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, fruits and seeds, nuts and soya beans. Carefully planned vegetarian diet is in no way deficient in nutrients.

When pulses/dals/legumes are combined with whole grains/cereals (rice, wheat, corn) they are like complete proteins.

Diet to Lose weight Fast

First thing in the morning:
Prepare your two cleansing drinks, the Master Cleanse and the Liver Flush (which, together, will help rid your liver and kidneys of built up toxins). Mix each in a blender for 20 to 40 seconds, and strain if desired.

The Master Cleanse:
Juice of 1 lemon;
32 ounces of spring water;
1 1/2 teaspoon maple syrup or honey;
1 pinch ground clove or 1/2 teaspoon of whole clove

The Liver Flush:
1/2 of a peeled lemon;
2 peeled oranges;
1 oz. olive oil;
3 sprigs parsley;
1 pinch ginger, black pepper, cayenne and ground clove

Once both drinks are prepared:
1) Drink the entire Liver Flush
2) Then drink 8 ounces of Master Cleansers
3) Take 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C
4) Take 100 milligrams of Magnesium
(Sip the remaining Master Cleanser throughout the day)

Mid-morning snack:
Nosh on 5 to 10 raw almonds and half of an apple or pear.

Thirty minutes before lunch:
Drink 8 ounces of fresh juice -- 80 percent vegetable juice, 20 percent fruit juice. Take another 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C and 100 milligrams of Magnesium.

Have a big vegetable salad, with dark greens, and four ounces of fish or chicken. For a quick, healthy dressing, mix lemon juice and olive oil.

Afternoon snack:
Eat another 5 to 10 raw almonds and half of an apple or pear. (Or skip the fruit in favor of 1 cup sliced carrots, cucumbers or celery.)

Thirty Minutes Before Dinner:
Drink eight more ounces of juice (keep the ratio 80 percent veggie to 20 percent fruit). Take one more round of supplements: 1,000 milligrams vitamin C and 100 milligrams of magnesium.

Eat another big vegetable salad with dark greens. (No red peppers or tomatoes!) If you're still hungry, have more juice and 5 to 10 more almonds.

Well I know it is very difficult to follow this diet but if we follow at least half of what is mentioned above. I reckon would definately make a difference.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Exercises to tone your Lower Abs

Flabby lower abs are a nagging problem for most of us and to get rid of it one must exercise. Nothing else helps, not even a starvation diet. There are a few basic steps one must do everyday. Remember, if you lift the leg too high or way far behind, the strain will be transferred onto the middle abs. Extend the leg too far out and you will risk injuring your back. Hence, do it with care.

1. Reverse sit-ups Lie on the floor, with palms under your lower back to avoid the arch. Lift the legs and bend the knee till your legs are at a right angle. From this point move your knees towards your chest maintaining the same right angle, till your waist lifts off the floor. (Not more than 4-6 inches). Hold for a count and return to starting position. Do 3 sets of 25 reps each. Hold a medicine ball between the knees for more strain.

2. Alternate leg raisers Extend your legs till the knees are almost locked out, with toes pointing forward. Lift one leg till it is almost vertical holding the other leg a little above the floor always for a good stretch in the lower abs. Alternate the same movement with the other leg. Do 3 sets of 30 reps each.

3. Scissors Here the starting position is the same as in the above exercise. The only difference is that instead of moving the legs in a vertical position, here we do a criss-cross with the legs alternating the left over the right and vice versa.

Do 3 sets of 30 reps each. One can use ankle weights or an inclined abdomen bench for more strain. Always exhale from the mouth while lifting the leg for a better flex and best results.

Note: People suffering from a lower back problem must consult a doctor before doing these exercises.

Simple Ways to own a Six-Pack Abdomen

Simple measures to be taken to control belly.

Good Cuppa
Dandelion tea a few times in a day is good to have a flat stomach. Dandelion's bitter compounds reduce water retention and spruce up digestion. It also acts as mild laxative, helping you to clean your system effectively.

Ball Game
We dont have to play any games :). Sitting on an exercise ball is one of the easiest ways to tone your abs. You could do this at your desk while working or while watching TV at home. Do this for a fortnight and you will definately find the difference. You could also do some crunches on the ball but make sure that you balance yourself well before you start off. If you are not comfortable with the crunches on the ball, you can always do it on the floor. Remember crunches is really effective exercise for those who are having beer belly.

Take The Stairs
Next time you head towards the lift, turn back think of your belly and take good old stairs. Climbing makes your stomach muscles work harder. The result, a flat tummmy that makes you look leaner. Running and Skipping are also a very good exercises. They not only work on your stomach but also improve your stamina.

Yoga to the Rescue
Experts recommend yoga is great way to cut flab around the tummy. Also yoga gives you a good posture.

Workout Schedule for Women

For Beginners only
    Day 1-3
  1. Walk for about 20 mins depending upon the fitness.

  2. Abs - Lower, Upper & Obliques.

  3. Lower Back.

    Day 4 - 5
  1. Chest, Back & Legs

  2. Walk for about 20 mins.

Daily finish the workout with static Stretches. After this follow the daily routine mentioned below.

Daily Routine:
    Day 1 (Upper Body)

  1. Chest - Flat Flys , Dumbell pullovers

  2. Back - Front Cable pull down & seated rows

  3. Shoulders - Lateral Raises & Front Raises

  4. Triceps - Single arm extensions

  5. Obliques - Standing side bends & Twisting with a Stick

* Do 20 mins of any desired cardio exercise. eg: tred mill, stepper etc.

    Day 2 (Legs, Lower Back and Abs)

  1. Squats

  2. Lunges

  3. Leg Curls

  4. Leg Press/ Leg Extension

  5. Calf Raises

  6. Abs - Leg Raises or Reverse Crunches, Scissoring, Crunches

  7. Back - Alternate Hand & Leg raises lying prone on the floor.


  • Warm up on the tred mill for 5 -10 mins before you start workout.

  • Stretch after the workout.

  • Do only two sets of each exercise and in the beginning do only 2 exercises and gradually increase the exercises.

  • Lift only light weights(2 kgs/3 kgs) in the beginning and then you can gradually increase the weight.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

HEalth Categories

The blog is under construction. Will be coming up soon.