Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Simple Ways to own a Six-Pack Abdomen

Simple measures to be taken to control belly.

Good Cuppa
Dandelion tea a few times in a day is good to have a flat stomach. Dandelion's bitter compounds reduce water retention and spruce up digestion. It also acts as mild laxative, helping you to clean your system effectively.

Ball Game
We dont have to play any games :). Sitting on an exercise ball is one of the easiest ways to tone your abs. You could do this at your desk while working or while watching TV at home. Do this for a fortnight and you will definately find the difference. You could also do some crunches on the ball but make sure that you balance yourself well before you start off. If you are not comfortable with the crunches on the ball, you can always do it on the floor. Remember crunches is really effective exercise for those who are having beer belly.

Take The Stairs
Next time you head towards the lift, turn back think of your belly and take good old stairs. Climbing makes your stomach muscles work harder. The result, a flat tummmy that makes you look leaner. Running and Skipping are also a very good exercises. They not only work on your stomach but also improve your stamina.

Yoga to the Rescue
Experts recommend yoga is great way to cut flab around the tummy. Also yoga gives you a good posture.

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