Brinjal, the glossy purple vegatable that is native of India is loved by mnay and at the same time hated by some. It has been around since 60 BC and is also called egg-plant and aubergine. Brinjal is fairly good source of potassium, iron, certain proteins, and vitamins like B6, C and niacin. One of the main benfits of brinjal is its high -fibre content. Low in calories and fat, it contains only 24 kcal and 5.7 gm of carbohydrate per 100 gm. But brinjal is good as long as it is not fried.
The purple pigment of this vegetable also contains anti-oxidants which are the natural immunity boosters of our body and help fighting diseases and age. Brinjal also protects arteries from chronic damage. along with ginger and garlic, it helps in relieving flatulance. A high moisture content in this vegetable helps people weight-loss diet. With minimal oil, it is low cal, low fat and nutritious, useful for diabetic, obese and heart patients.
So all those people who want loose weight or control their weight must include brinjal in their diet from now. Dieting is all about taking quality food rather not eating any food at all for controlling the weight.
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