Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Exercises to tone your Lower Abs

Flabby lower abs are a nagging problem for most of us and to get rid of it one must exercise. Nothing else helps, not even a starvation diet. There are a few basic steps one must do everyday. Remember, if you lift the leg too high or way far behind, the strain will be transferred onto the middle abs. Extend the leg too far out and you will risk injuring your back. Hence, do it with care.

1. Reverse sit-ups Lie on the floor, with palms under your lower back to avoid the arch. Lift the legs and bend the knee till your legs are at a right angle. From this point move your knees towards your chest maintaining the same right angle, till your waist lifts off the floor. (Not more than 4-6 inches). Hold for a count and return to starting position. Do 3 sets of 25 reps each. Hold a medicine ball between the knees for more strain.

2. Alternate leg raisers Extend your legs till the knees are almost locked out, with toes pointing forward. Lift one leg till it is almost vertical holding the other leg a little above the floor always for a good stretch in the lower abs. Alternate the same movement with the other leg. Do 3 sets of 30 reps each.

3. Scissors Here the starting position is the same as in the above exercise. The only difference is that instead of moving the legs in a vertical position, here we do a criss-cross with the legs alternating the left over the right and vice versa.

Do 3 sets of 30 reps each. One can use ankle weights or an inclined abdomen bench for more strain. Always exhale from the mouth while lifting the leg for a better flex and best results.

Note: People suffering from a lower back problem must consult a doctor before doing these exercises.

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