There are 2 very simple keys to make your work out interesting they are music and variance. Motivation is usually driven by the desire to accomplish something. In order to create a desire for exercise, you have to stimulate your mind by enjoying your work out rather than doing to as a routine.This is what music and variance do to you and keep you motivated for long term exercise.
- Music - Music gets us going, and it sets us up on a positive course. Do not listen to similar kind of music every day it may again lead to demotivation and you may not enjoy the exercise. Listen to all types of music both fast beat and slow beat, they have the same stimulating effect on the mind. Music makes exercise fun and you will realize and accept this fact soon.
- Variance - All the activities no matter how difficult they are look wonderful in the beginning, and if we are doing the same variations it becomes monotonous and ultimately becomes a dreadfull and boring experience. Do a variety of different exercises. The gym has numerous exercise machines, free weights, and cardio equipment. Vary your equipement use machines for a week, free weights another week and keep rotating that way. Watch other people to learn and do not get disheartened or give up if the other people are really doing good and you do not match them in any aspect of exercising.
Another important point is always start off with very light weight or low speed settings when you are unfamiliar with an exercise. Once you are familiar with all the exercises, start increasing the weights. Do 3 or 4 sets of 3 or 4 exercises 3 or 4 times a week. Make sure you take good diet and sleep enough so that you are rejuvenated for exercising. Do not develop complex by looking at people who are having good physique which is a big demotivating factor. Instead, think positive and be content with what you are doing and who knows if you are regularly working out you will also have a physique that people will admire and talk about.
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