Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dumbbell Concentration Curl - Bicep Exercise

  • Siting on the bench grasp dumbbell between feet. Place back of upper arm to inner thigh. Raise elbow slightly by leaning into leg.

  • Slowly raise dumbbell to front of shoulder.

  • Lower dumbbell till the arm is fully extended.

  • Repeat the exercise and continue with opposite arm.

  • Do 3 or 4 sets with 12 repetitions on both arms.

Dumbbell Incline Curl - Bicep Exercise

  • Sit back on a 45-60 degree incline bench.

  • Position two dumbbells with palms facing in and arms hanging down straight,

  • With elbows back to sides, raise one dumbbell and rotate forearm until forearm is vertical and palm faces shoulder.

  • Lower to original position. Repeat with opposite arm and continue to alternate between sides.

  • Do 4 sets of this exercise with 12 repetitions on each arm.

Bicep Exercise - Dumbbell Hammer Curl

  • Keeping your arms straight hold two dumbbells to sides with palms facing in.

  • With elbows to the sides and without moving them, raise one dumbbell until thumb faces the shoulder and forearm is vertical.

  • Bring the dumbbell down to original position and now repeat with alternative arm.

  • This Exercise isolates your lower bicep and concentrates on it.

  • Do 4 sets of this variation with 12 repetitions on each arm.

Barbell Bicep Curls Exercise

  • Hold the bar with under hand grip and shoulder width.

  • Lift the bar until forearms are in vertical position and then lower it down until arms are extended fully.

  • Do not bend your back and do not move your elbow while you are doing this variation

  • This exercise helps us to build the bicep and also works on your forearms.

  • Do 4 sets. 2 sets with light weight(12 repetitions) and 2 sets heavy weight(8 repetitions).

Planning your Weight Loss Diet

Tips on planning your Weight Loss Diets
Excess weight and obese are the problems that people now a days are facing. They have also become conscious about this fact that they are fat and are trying hard to loose weight. The first thing people do for losing weight is dieting. So if you are eating to lose weight your goal is to lose maximum fat and preserve the muscle mass in the body.
A high saturated fats and high carbohydrate diet is the main reason for people in gaining excess weight. So it is not fat alone that makes you look bulky but there are also lot of other diets that you eat on a daily basis and you may have to stop eating in order to loose weight.

Best no B.S. Weight Loss Tips

  1. Eat right foods rather than stop eating. Dieting does not mean not eating.

  2. Best way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories and do Cardio exercises by which you will burn the excess fat and get leaner. The calorie consumption must be 10-12 times your body weight in pounds.

  3. Eat sufficient amount of Proteins at least 1gm of protein per pound of Body weight. High protein diets improve body metabolism and burn fat.

  4. Eat Protein at regular intervals, preferably 5-6 times a day to avoid slowing of metabolism and reduce hunger.

  5. Increase fiber and reduce fat intake. Eating fiber at the start of every meal reduces the amount of food you eat. Alternatively eat 3-5 servings of fish every week.

  6. Stop eating processed foods. Eating ice creams, fries and colas can push your Weight Loss efforts by 1 week minimum.

  7. Cardio and Weight training exercises will take up a lot of water from your body. So drink lots of water.

The Macronutrient ratio to burn fat

Eat a diet which contains 40% proteins, 40% carbohydrates and 20% fats approximately. These are not the hard and fast rules so without breaking your head try to be as close as possible to the above mentioned diet percentages.

Do not avoid fat completely. Fats are also essential for health as they help vitamin absorption, and unsaturated fats help increase good cholesterol levels (HDL Cholesterol). Unsaturated fats found in avocados, nuts and olive oil contain calories are excellent for your health and heart. Avoid fats in cakes, sodas, ice creams and processed goods completely.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Keeping your Eyes Healthy

If you are a computer professional you would know how important it is to have healthy eyes. Given below are list of eatables that are good for your eyes.

Eat: Carrots, spinach, broccoli and eggs, which all have plenty of Vitamin A, which helps body cells regenerate. Broccoli also contains carotenoid pigments, which help prevent age related problems with cataracts. All dark green leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamin C and anti-cancer substances such as sulpharaphane and genistein. Lutein, a pigment found in corn, yellow peppers and banana, may help vision stay clearer for longer in life.

My top tip: Old teabags can be chilled and used on the eyes to reduce puffiness and swelling.

Nutritious Bonanza - Custurd Apple

Custurd Apple is a nutritious fruit that has been originated in the West Indies and now is available all around the world. It is called as sitaphal, ramphal in India. This fruit is rich in Vitamin C which makes it good for people having cold. The myth that people get cold if they eat Custard Apple is not true. Custard Apple has high levels of carbohydrates and proteins (23.5 gm and 1.6 gm per 100 gms). It also has traces of calcium, iron and phosphorus too. Custard Apple gives 104 calories of energy per 100 gm.

Custard Apple is easily digestible and is also given for gastric ailments. It is used in preparing various pharmaceuticals as it possesses insecticidal properties in it. Custard Apples tastes like papayas, vanilla and pineapples that makes them great for making jellies, juices, jams and of course custards.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tricep Exercises - Weighted Bench Dip

  • Place hands on the edge of a bench and feet on adjacent bench.

  • Now place weight on your lap.

  • Lower body until full stretch.

  • Raise your body and repeat the movement.

  • Do 4 sets of this variation.

Tricep Exercises - Dumbbell One Arm Tricep Extension

  • With elbow positioned upward position the dumbbell behind your neck.

  • Extend arm until it is straight.

  • Return and repeat the same movement again. Continue with opposite arm.

  • Do 4 sets for each arm. 2 sets with light weight(12 repetitions) and 2 sets heavy weight(8 repetitions).

Tricep Exercises - Cable Pushdowns

  • Grasp cable attachment with overhand grip. Bend at the hip, elbow to the front.

  • Push the cable down until your arms are fully extended and pull elbows toward body slightly.

  • Return until forearm is close to upper arm and Repeat.

  • Do 4 sets. 2 sets with light weight(12 repetitions) and 2 sets heavy weight(8 repetitions).

Barbell Lying - Triceps Extension Exercise

  • Lie on bench with a narrow overhand grip on barbell. With arms extended, position barbell over forehead.

  • By bending elbows lower the bar. As bar nears head move elbows slightly back just to allow bar to clear curvature of head.

  • As bar clears head, get back to the original position by pushing the barbell till the arms are fully extended

  • Do 4 sets. 2 sets with light weight(12 repetitions) and 2 sets heavy weight(8 repetitions).

  • You can do this exercise on Incline and Decline bench as well.

To Stay Young - Eat Cabbages

Cabbage is one vegetable that grows in all parts of the world and almost all the year. We can have cabbage in both raw and cooked versions. They can be used in salads, curries, soups and casseroles.
Cabbages are good for diabetic patients and for those on diet for reducing weights as they give just 27 kcals per 100 gms and contain 98% moisture. They are also best known for Vitamin C content that help the body fight against aging and free radicals. The Vitamin C content in Cabbage is high at 124 mg. Cabbage is best to have as salads to retain the nutrients because all the nutrients and Vitamin C is destroyed in the process of cooking.
This vegetable has a calcium content of 39 mgs and phosphorus 44 mg per 100 gms. While selecting this vegetable, make sure the leaves do not have yellow spots and are not withered. Also cabbage should not be eaten too often since it can cause goiter by reducing the body's absorption of iodine.